“We are more emotional beings who occasionally think, than vice versa” said Brené Brown at the Nordic Business Forum in 2019. That’s why we shall use the power of emotions and feelings also for goal setting and when trying to achieve bigger changes in teams and organizations.

Nowadays we hear about innovation everywhere. Disruptive technologies, new services, and business models…..everything is changing all the time. Companies run hackathons, use Design Thinking and try to innovate in as a short a time possible. Time is ticking, let’s move fast, let’s do short hackathon and solve it fast. Yesterday might have been too late already. We are in constant rush for new ideas. We want to be the first to have it. Of course we want to be the market leaders. We want to have more ambitious dreams to truly disrupt the market. We gather in meeting rooms and THINK about different scenarios, use facts and data and make fast decisions, set the goals.

And after all this, we fail to implement our ideas. WHY?

The power of your senses and body

Our brain consists of several parts, and each has a separate function. The side of the brain where the logical thinking sits makes up only about roughly 50% of the whole brain mass. It can be a bit more or less, depending on which profession you have. And the rest of your brain is driven by emotions and senses. And they also play a big role in decisions making, even if we don’t want to admit it. So, why don’t we engage the other half of our brain, and even our whole body when we make important business decision?

Those, who learned to use the power and full capacity of our whole brain, get the most powerful, most creative, radically new ideas. And this is what we do with our workshops. When facilitating innovation processes, we are using all our senses and body, when making decisions. This method has been created by artists and is using their knowledge and process of creativity. And as you know, artists don’t rush . 🙂

Great ideas don’t follow deadlines

You can’t really have a deadline for a great new idea, can you? Thus we need to pause, take a break, relax, have good food, hear or see something nice, smell, taste and have sensual experiences. In our workshops we also move a lot, we use our bodies, we walk, dance and jump. And that’s when the magic happens. I am sure you heard that some people got great idea in the shower or when they went jogging. Great ideas are rarely born in a meeting room under time pressure.

It is very important to create such an atmosphere in the workshops, which allows people to connect with themselves, go deep, relax, open-up, use their senses and have A LOT OF FUN.

Having fun is extremely important for finding new innovative solutions, too.

And yes, this takes time. It’s not a fast hackathon. It’s a journey and process where you actually engage your whole body to create new ideas. We focus on increasing sensory stimulation which affects our brain positively and therefore we come up with very different solutions. We act and perform better when we are influenced emotionally.

What if we stopped our work routine for a day, had fun and enhanced our senses for the creation of great ideas?

Companies are not lacking new ideas

There are millions of companies with millions of great ideas. Where they fail, is in the implementation.

They fail to implement new ideas, since people don’t feel ownership of the ideas, they don’t feel the effect when they reach the goal and thus lack the right motivation to push through the first obstacles. As soon as they face the first challenges, they drop the ball, because they don’t have emotions associated with the final goal.

To create emotions and link them with the company’s goals requires discussions between workshop participants, a lot of discussion. Actually you can never discuss your ideas with your team too much and in our busy lives, this is more valuable than ever before.

Do want to know more about how to create & innovate with results? Then book a call with us.

Next time we write about how important is to have fun when we create. So make sure you are subscribed, to receive it to your mailbox. Subscribe here.

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